Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Wish List Advantage

Have you ever stopped reading a book you like so much that you go and and fold the page or add a cute paper bookmark to your book? How about a catalog? Do you ever surf the net and find such cool sites you want to bookmark them? If you said yes to any of these questions, you like lists.

More specifically, wish lists!! I personally love wish lists, as it allows me to do a plethora of different things. From researching and comparing books at, to saving my favorites things I will buy later at

Wish lists are not just for pregnant customers or brides. They make shopping easy when you may not have the cash but have the time. These lists also facilitate a gift challenged husband or boyfriend.

Personally, I prefer a well thought out-read:previously chosen-present over a gift certificate. So if you are a retailer ask yourself the following, Do I offer wish lists? If you don`t, does your system remember the contents the customer placed in the cart? If you do offer wish lists, how easy are they to switch the contents of the list to the cart?

Making the shopping experience easy for your clients will not only make you money on sales, but customers will come back to you and have repeat sales.


hija4 said...

I wanna subscribe to this blog? Where is the feed button?

She À La Mode said...

I just burned the feed and will be adding that function today! Thanks for asking!!